Come and have a free sacred experience after the Empowered Wild Woman Summit and join your sisters in experiencing what the Red Tent has to offer.

Taste of The Red Tent closes in......

Not sure what this is all about and want to know more about the Red Tent?

Into The Red Tent

A 6-Week Course & journey to uncover your authentic sexual self

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Invest in yourself and uncover who you are as an...

...authentic sexual goddess!

The Red Tent opens in September 2023.

Things have not been great for while...

Discover what's diminishing your pleasure

You will have a new understanding of what's blocking you from opening up to deep, juicy pleasure and connection!


You will experience what it means to be held by other goddesses in a sacred space where you can truly be yourself.

From Fizzle to Sizzle

You will learn a process that will help you unblock any limiting beliefs and free you to enjoy intimacy, sexuality and connection at a whole new level.

Imagine what's possible....

...when you uncover what's in the way of your authentic sexuality.

Do any of these...

apply to you?

Do any of these...

apply to you?

  • Is your brain going a mile a minute about daily tasks when you’re supposed to be ‘getting it on’?

  • Has sex become monotonous and you can’t wait for it to be done?

  • Do you feel good, juicy, delicious sex is for OTHER people?

  • Do you feel that your sex life would improve if you just lost that 5/10/20 extra pounds?

  • No idea how to communicate what you actually want sexually?

  • Is sex something you ‘tolerate’ so your partner is ‘happy’?

  • Has sex become ‘clinical’ to you?

  • Do you fear that your best sexual years are behind you?

  • Are you at a sexual turning point?

  • Are you tolerating mediocrity in your intimate encounters?

  • Do you have a trauma response at the mere thought of sex?

  • Do you consider your sex life a disaster?

  • Are triggers from your past preventing you from the sex life of your dreams?

Then the Into The Red Tent course is for you!

  • Would you like to reclaim your authentic sexual pleasure for YOURSELF??

  • Are you ready to awaken your inner sex goddess?

  • What does the authentic YOU want for your sex life?

  • Let's go from fizzle to sizzle!

  • It's time to rebirth YOUR authentic sexuality!

Why go on this journey with me?

This course and coaching program is the culmination of my entire life's work!

I have been a Registered Midwife which gives me a solid evidence-based background in women's health and being able to hold space for women as they transform into mothers.

I have been a coach for over 15 years and have been referred to as a "Laser Coach" in that I can help you to get to the core issues quickly with love and acceptance.

And I have been on a journey exploring my own Sacred Sexuality for over 20 years and teaching others how to do the same.

I combine all of these into this course so that you are in a safe space to learn the 7 step process that you can do over and over again in every area of your life.

- April Terreau

April Terreau of The
Sacred Sisterhood of Sexuality and
Into The Red Tent

During your 6-week journey you get....

6 weeks of online course content

Each week consists of videos, worksheets, guided journaling, meditations and other materials to help walk you through the powerful 7-step process of uncovering what's blocking you from being sexually self-expressed. Each week builds on the week before to guide you through the deep process of uncovering blocks, letting those go, and creating the most exciting sex life you've ever imagined.

3 Red Tent Experiences

These are powerful experiences where we come together in the Red Tent to work through the 7-step process of the course. We come together on this journey to share, to learn, to grow, to let go, to create, and celebrate who we are.

Triple Goddess Groups and Calls

With a solid framework to guide you, you will be a part of a smaller group with 2 other goddesses. This group is a foundation to guide you through the journey and so you never feel left out or alone. You will heal any issues working with women and learn to lean on each other to lift each other up. These are hosted online with coaching available.

Private Facebook Group

This will be a group that is private to your cohort only. It will be a place you can share what's opening up for you, what you're learning and you can learn from each other.

What others have received from Into the Red Tent...

This course has opened my eyes to many ways of living. I learned so much about my fears and insecurities. I also learned how to change my story. I don’t have to live in the past. I can move on. I also connected with amazing women with similar and very different stories. The connection has helped me expand and grow. I am so grateful for the support and the safety to grow. I will continue to use the steps I learned in many areas of my life.


- H.S

Working through the course’s content, and listening to the other women in The Red Tent and Triple Goddess groups helped me to identify my internal stories and paradigms that had slowly stifled me to the point I couldn’t even talk about sex with my partner. I’ve been able to identify and discard limiting beliefs, and reopen communication. Both of us are excited about our renewed sense of intimacy and connection. Before this course, I had worried that my husband and I were drifting inexorably into separate worlds, but didn’t know how to fix it. In six short weeks, we have corrected years of slow drift.


- K.W.

This course was the right thing I knew I needed, at the right time, but for different reasons than I expected. April holds a really beautiful container: gentle and supportive while being at ease with grounded techniques to invite us into our own empowered choices. The skills taught are made clear and can be used in other areas of life. I appreciated the care and attention to creating group trust in a virtual environment. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

- S.S

All the details...

  • The 6-week journey begins on Thursday August 31st, 2023. That's when the course content is first available.

  • Each week new content will be available to prepare for the Red Tent on the following Thursday.

  • Each Thursday evening we will have a Red Tent. Three of these evenings will be the large group and three of these evenings will be with your Triple Goddess group. These will all be held on Zoom. But don't worry, these aren't like boring work Zoom calls. They are an experience unlike anything else you've experienced on Zoom.

  • Group size is limited to keep it intimate.

  • This structure supports you with accountability and small groups to get as much as possible from the course content. You will journey through the 7-step process together.

  • The Red Tent events are always 90 minutes long with 1/2 hour after for Questions & Answers and extra coaching from April.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to participate in the big group?

The whole point of the Sacred Sisterhood of Sexuality is to share with other women and explore your sexuality in a safe space. If you don't feel safe then please do not share. Follow your own comfort and remember that growth happens outside of your comfort zone. We encourage you to expand at the rate that works for you. You will be given two other goddesses to be with in your Triple Goddess Group. Some people find that it's easier and safer in the small group. Do what is right for you. If there is anything we can do to help you feel safer, please reach out.

I really want to be in it but I'm too busy right now. Will you be doing this again?

Yes, but I don't know when. And we are all busy. "Busy" can be an excuse. When will you make the time to nurture your sex life? In not now, then when? Now is the time to have the sex life of your dreams. Why wait? The breakthroughs you'll have in this journey will help in all areas of your life! I invite you to jump in now!

Do I need to be in a relationship to be in the course?

Absolutely NOT! Single, married, divorced, separated, "it's complicated" people, and any other combinations are welcome. This is about YOU and YOUR sexuality. No partners needed.

What if I can't make some of the calls?

The magic happens inside of the Red Tent. To make everyone more comfortable, calls will NOT be recorded so there will be no replay. We really encourage you to do whatever you can to rearrange your schedule so that this is time for YOU! You deserve to have this time to nurture and explore and enjoy! If you absolutely have to miss a call then your Triple Goddess Group can catch you up on what you missed. Embrace the Red Tent. Once you experience it you won't want to miss another one!

I don't think the group is for me. Is there anything else I can do?

Some people just don't want to belong to a group or the timing is off but you'd still like to explore this journey, I do offer one on one coaching packages. Please fill out the form on this page and I will be in touch with you to discuss in more detail.

Let's start your sexual transformation...

The 6-Week Into The Red Tent Journey

How much is a sex life that is full of intimacy, connection, freedom, and fun worth to you?

How much would you spend on numerous counseling sessions to get the same results?

What will it feel like to connect to your true authentic sexual self for the first time?

  • 3 Red Tent Experiences (value: $900)

  • 3 Triple Goddess Calls & Coaching (value: $900)

  • 6-week online course with over 50 modules of videos, worksheets, meditations, etc (value: $3,000+)

  • A sisterhood that you can call on at any time (value: Invaluable)

  • Uncovering your authentic sexual
    self (value: Priceless)

  • Being able to explore your sexuality with freedom and ease (value: Vital to your overall health and wellbeing!)

  • Total Value $4,800+++

(Other courses in the sexuality education world sell for well over $3,000 or $4,000.

There are even some for over $5,000 for a one-week course!)

Your InfoTell Us About You....
Your PaymentLet's Get Started!
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What others are saying about

Into the Red Tent, the 6-Week Journey...


It's not an easy process to unpack this stuff and recognize where it comes from BUT I can see that believing these things has influenced my sex life greatly. I'm not a child anymore and I am allowing myself to view things now from an adult perspective - not just what I've always believed. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

- Lisa Paterson


This course is allowing me to view my wounds from a nonjudgmental, safe perspective. I feel like my eyes and heart are opening up to so much more than I expected. As I continue to get more in touch with my sexuality, I know my relationship with my husband will continue to thrive.


- H.S


This course has given me the courage to have really honest, loving conversations with my husband that I wouldn’t have believed possible before this course.”


- K.W.

My life is forever changed from my coaching experience with April.

April has the ability to find gems in my negative beliefs and have me see things in a totally different light. April has the courage to lean into difficult topics to have me look at things in myself that I would normally resist. She demonstrates such a compassionate commitment to her clients. She has a playful, open, nonjudgmental approach that makes you want to dive in and get the transformation that is available from working with her.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Cheryl Parker

My life is forever changed from my coaching experience with April.

April has the ability to find gems in my negative beliefs and have me see things in a totally different light. April has the courage to lean into difficult topics to have me look at things in myself that I would normally resist. She demonstrates such a compassionate commitment to her clients. She has a playful, open, nonjudgmental approach that makes you want to dive in and get the transformation that is available from working with her.


- C.P.

Questions? Email our creative team at

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