Come and have a free sacred experience after the Empowered Wild Woman Summit and join your sisters in experiencing what the Red Tent has to offer.

Take a peek inside...

The Red Tent

The first step on your journey to your authentic sexuality!


August 17th at 7pm EDT

Our Promise to you...

You will have a peek at what's possible when we

get out of the way, what's in our way, of being our full authentic sexual selves

AND a pathway to make that happen.

Worlds APART?

Drifting away from your partner because your sexual expectations are in different worlds?

What Happened?

Did your sexual spark blow out years ago and you'd like to know what happened to it?


Would you like to do a deeper dive into your sexuality and find out what's possible for you?


...when you uncover what's in the way of your authentic sexuality.

A free live virtual experience... discover what's inside The Red Tent!

We will discuss:

  • the history of The Red Tent and why it's so healing

  • why it's important to come together as women, in a safe space

  • what's in your way of expanding your sexual pleasure

  • what you can do to create an authentic expression of your sexuality

  • Into The Red Tent - a 6 Week Journey - so you can learn more about it and register to take part

Experience the magic for yourself!

  • Thursday August 17th at 7pm EDT

  • 7:00pm - 8:00pm allowing a 1/2 hour after for questions and social time

  • Limited spots so reserve yours now!

Registration closes in......

Registration is now closed.

Save your seat at one of the free Taste of The Red Tent Experiences

Limited spots available to keep it intimate

Thursday August 17th at 7pm EDT

I consent to being on your email list to hear about upcoming events and services. (Isn't consent sexy??? And just like in life, you can withdraw consent at any time by unsubscribing.)

This course has opened my eyes to many ways of living. I learned so much about my fears and insecurities. I also learned how to change my story. I don’t have to live in the past. I can move on. I also connected with amazing women with similar and very different stories. The connection has helped me expand and grow. I am so grateful for the support and the safety to grow. I will continue to use the steps I learned in many areas of my life.


- H.S

Working through the course’s content, and listening to the other women in The Red Tent and Triple Goddess groups helped me to identify my internal stories and paradigms that had slowly stifled me to the point I couldn’t even talk about sex with my partner. I’ve been able to identify and discard limiting beliefs, and reopen communication. Both of us are excited about our renewed sense of intimacy and connection. Before this course, I had worried that my husband and I were drifting inexorably into separate worlds, but didn’t know how to fix it. In six short weeks, we have corrected years of slow drift.


- K.W.

This course was the right thing I knew I needed, at the right time, but for different reasons than I expected. April holds a really beautiful container: gentle and supportive while being at ease with grounded techniques to invite us into our own empowered choices. The skills taught are made clear and can be used in other areas of life. I appreciated the care and attention to creating group trust in a virtual environment. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

- S.S

Meet Your Host, April

April Terreau lives to empower woman and has been doing so for over two decades

As a midwife, she has empowered women through one of the biggest transformations of their lives, their transition to motherhood.

Now, she midwives women from motherhood to the exciting next stage of their life, bringing back their Empowered Wild Woman inner core that may have been hidden for years while she took care of others, and helps to rekindle that fire within her.

April is an experienced coach and large group facilitator who inspires her community. She’s committed to a continuous process of leveling up, and she’s built her entire life around this principle.

April has embraced and studied extensively the magical side of her sexuality for over 20 years and is now combining all of her talents into the Sacred Sisterhood of Sexuality, an online community of self-identified women to witness and encourage each other to embrace their authentic sexual selves.

April is also a co-founder of Grounded Magic, a podcast dedicated to bringing magic out of the ethereal and into your everyday life.

April Terreau of The
Sacred Sisterhood of Sexuality and
Into The Red Tent

My life is forever changed from my coaching experience with April.

April has the ability to find gems in my negative beliefs and have me see things in a totally different light. April has the courage to lean into difficult topics to have me look at things in myself that I would normally resist. She demonstrates such a compassionate commitment to her clients. She has a playful, open, nonjudgmental approach that makes you want to dive in and get the transformation that is available from working with her. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

- C.P.

My life is forever changed from my coaching experience with April.

April has the ability to find gems in my negative beliefs and have me see things in a totally different light. April has the courage to lean into difficult topics to have me look at things in myself that I would normally resist. She demonstrates such a compassionate commitment to her clients. She has a playful, open, nonjudgmental approach that makes you want to dive in and get the transformation that is available from working with her.


- C.P.

Questions? Email our creative team at

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